product reviews

This is your ultimate destination for unbiased and comprehensive evaluations of the latest audio equipment. Get expert insights and make informed decisions as we dive deep into the world of audio products, helping you find the perfect sound solutions for your needs.

Palladian by Equipment Review

Paul Leung
May 8, 2017
Palladian is by far my most favourite cartridge. It is like a time machine that brings me back to the recording venue and the whole performance.

Archon Phono Cartridge

Roy Gregory
May 3, 2017
When it comes to musical genres, the Archon does it all. It's kind to recordings and cuts right to the heart of the performance.

The Palladian Cartridge Review

Dirk Sommer
November 21, 2016
The Palladian shows that one does not have to reinvent the wheel to play in the top league.

Aquilar Tonearm by Equipment Review

Paul Leung
January 27, 2016
If yo asked me what I like most about this new tonearm? I would say it plays piano and percussion music extremely well.
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